GeoLawWatch: Tracking Weather & Climate Legislation

A live overview of all active bills on weather modification, cloud seeding, and geoengineering in the current legislative session.

Iowa:   BILL SF142


A bill for an act relating to the prohibition of geoengineering activities, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.

A bill for an act relating to the prohibition of geoengineering activities, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.

Bill summary (AI generated)

The bill concerning the prohibition of geoengineering activities, if enacted, will implement stringent restrictions on various methods of geoengineering that could potentially affect the climate. Geoengineering generally refers to large-scale interventions in Earth's natural systems aimed at combatting climate change or global warming, such as solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal techniques. Under this proposed legislation, any geoengineering activity would be outright prohibited. Violators of this law would face associated penalties, which may include fines or other sanctions, although specific details regarding the penalties may be outlined in subsequent regulations. The bill emphasizes a precautionary approach, reflecting concerns about the unforeseen ecological and societal impacts that could stem from such technologies. Ultimately, if this bill becomes law, it will signify a protective stance towards environmental and public health, prioritizing caution over experimentation with unproven and potentially hazardous geoengineering technologies. The legislation may also foster discussions about alternative methods of addressing climate change, as the focus shifts away from technological solutions that entail significant risks. The bill includes provisions for its effective date, ensuring that lawmakers and stakeholders have a clear timetable for compliance and enforcement responsibilities.


Molestiae reprehenderit amet et quia temporibus.

  • Tue 28 Jan 2025 Introduced, referred to Judiciary. S.J. 147.
  • Mon 03 Feb 2025 Subcommittee: Schultz, Blake, and Bousselot. S.J. 178.

Bill text html

Senate File 142 - Introduced SENATE FILE 142 BY McCLINTOCK A BILL FOR An Act relating to the prohibition of geoengineering 1 activities, providing penalties, and including effective 2 date provisions. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1118XS (3) 91 sb/js
S.F. 142 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 708C.1 Definitions. 1 As used in this chapter: 2 1. “Cloud seeding” means a type of weather modification 3 that attempts to change the amount or type of condensation 4 or precipitation by dispersing chemicals, including but not 5 limited to silver iodide, potassium iodide, and dry ice, into 6 the air by means of aircraft or ground generators. 7 2. “Department” means the department of public safety. 8 3. “Polluting atmospheric activity” means the deliberate 9 discharge of any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant, 10 contaminant, or substance, including smoke, vapor, soot, 11 fume, aerosol plume, acid, alkali, chemical, artificially 12 produced electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field, 13 electromagnetic pulse, sound wave, sound pollution, light 14 pollution, microwave, and all artificially produced ionizing or 15 nonionizing radiation or waste conducted in the atmosphere that 16 may have harmful consequences upon health, the environment, or 17 agriculture. 18 4. “Weather engineering” means the deliberate manipulation 19 or alteration of the environment for the purpose of changing 20 the weather or climate by artificial means, typically 21 involving the deliberate release of polluting emissions in the 22 atmosphere via cloud seeding, for small-scale, large-scale, and 23 global-scale alteration of the environment. 24 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 708C.2 Prohibited acts. 25 A person shall not engage in polluting atmospheric activity, 26 cloud seeding, or any other type of weather engineering, or 27 use an unmarked or unidentified aircraft or other vehicle or 28 facility to engage in polluting atmospheric activity, cloud 29 seeding, or any other type of weather engineering, unless 30 otherwise provided by law. 31 Sec. 3. NEW SECTION . 708C.3 Penalties and enforcement. 32 1. The department shall immediately issue a cease and desist 33 order to a person suspected of violating section 708C.2. A 34 cease and desist order issued under this section shall have the 35 -1- LSB 1118XS (3) 91 sb/js 1/ 3
S.F. 142 weight of a court order and any violation shall be punished in 1 accordance with subsection 2. 2 2. A person who violates section 708C.2 commits a class “D” 3 felony. A separate offense is committed by the person for each 4 day during which the violation has been conducted, repeated, 5 or continued. 6 Sec. 4. NEW SECTION . 708C.4 Notice to cease federal or 7 armed forces programs. 8 1. Federal government and armed forces projects must meet 9 all the requirements of this chapter. If an activity in 10 violation of section 708C.2 has been approved explicitly or 11 implicitly by the federal government, the department shall 12 issue a notice to the appropriate federal agency that the 13 activity cannot lawfully be carried out within or over the 14 state. 15 2. The department shall determine whether violations have 16 occurred and, if deemed necessary, shall refer potentially 17 prohibited activity to the Iowa air national guard. 18 Sec. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act, being deemed of immediate 19 importance, takes effect upon enactment. 20 EXPLANATION 21 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 22 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 23 This bill relates to geoengineering by creating penalties 24 and enforcement procedures for persons engaging in such 25 practices. A person who engages in polluting atmospheric 26 activity, cloud seeding, or weather engineering commits a class 27 “D” felony. A class “D” felony is punishable by confinement 28 for no more than five years and a fine of at least $1,025, 29 but not more than $10,245. Each day the person violates this 30 restriction is treated as a separate offense. Additionally, if 31 these practices are suspected, the department of public safety 32 (DPS) is authorized to issue the suspected person a cease and 33 desist letter having the weight of a court order. 34 The bill states that the federal government and armed forces 35 -2- LSB 1118XS (3) 91 sb/js 2/ 3
S.F. 142 must abide by these restrictions. Should an act approved 1 explicitly or implicitly by the federal government or armed 2 forces be in violation of these restrictions, the department 3 shall issue a notice to the appropriate federal agency that the 4 actions are unlawful. DPS may refer violations to the Iowa air 5 national guard if DPS deems such referral as necessary. 6 The bill takes effect upon enactment. 7 -3- LSB 1118XS (3) 91 sb/js 3/ 3