Indiana: BILL SB0364
IntroducedWeather and the environment.
Weather and the environment. Prohibits a person who has the intent of affecting the intensity of sunlight, temperature, or weather from discharging a chemical or apparatus into the atmosphere, except in certain circumstances. Provides that a violation is a Class A misdemeanor.
Bill summary (AI generated)
The proposed bill titled "Weather and the environment" seeks to regulate the discharge of chemicals and apparatuses into the atmosphere with the intent of manipulating the intensity of sunlight, temperature, or weather. Under the terms of the bill, individuals would be prohibited from releasing any substances or devices into the atmosphere for these purposes, making it illegal unless certain exceptions are met. If enacted into law, any person found in violation of this regulation could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. The implications of this legislation could be significant for entities engaged in weather modification practices, such as cloud seeding or other forms of atmospheric intervention. As such activities often require the discharge of chemicals into the atmosphere, these stakeholders will need to ensure compliance with the new restrictions or face potential legal consequences. Overall, the bill reflects growing concerns about the environmental impact of weather modification techniques and aims to establish a legal framework that constrains any unlawful attempts to alter atmospheric conditions deliberately. Compliance measures will likely need to be developed and disseminated among affected parties to ensure that any legitimate weather modification efforts fall within the legal parameters set by this legislation.
Eum autem rem dicta possimus est enim minima.
- Mon 13 Jan 2025 Authored by Senator Alexander
- Mon 13 Jan 2025 First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
- Tue 21 Jan 2025 Senator Dernulc added as second author
- Tue 21 Jan 2025 Senator Tomes added as third author
- Thu 30 Jan 2025 Senator Bohacek added as coauthor